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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Your mother

Yesterday I received a mail from a friend, a well mannered, no BS kinda girl. The subject read "UR MOTHER".

Now some of us will immediately think that this is a forward of the joke of the day, some insult or something. But coming form her? It puzzled me a little.

The next thing that came to mind was that there was something wrong with my mother, a bad news of sort. And since she lives in my hometown, in the vicinity of my neighborhood, and knows my parents, it worried me even more. So I quickly opened the mail and to my relief it read,

"I was visiting someone in your neigborhood yesterday and your mother was there. She and several moms were cooking dishes together".

Oh my goodness! What a relief. For a moment there I was preparing for the worst. The subject really prompts grave concern. The first impression however suggests humor. Second thoughts, offence. Like, what is going on?

Any way you view it, it's a suspense. It hits you all the same. The only difference is the resulting feeling, governed by reading the content. Thank God everything is alright.

And now, everytime I browse my inbox and come across her 'UR MOTHER' mail, I don't really know how to react. Should I be humored, offended or alarmed?

Why don't you try it on your friends once the opportunity comes up.

For now though, knowing the content, I'll just smile. Maybe giggle a bit.

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