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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Tuesday, and I'm alive again

Ah, nothing like the fresh morning breeze of Tuesday morning. Look ma, I survived Monday!

This morning I left the car window open while driving from home to the office. Loved the journey till I entered the city, when the morning's rush hour pollution kicked in. Blow my trusty air cond did. And it was nice again, all the way to my cubicle.

I couldn't say the same for yesterday though. It was Monday and I felt like shit. No, I'm not talking about the typical Monday morning cliche'. And I don't normally bitch about Monday mornings either but yesterday was different. I felt so tired and lack of sleep. I guess my bedroom renovation on Sunday really took its toll on me, phisically. All the rearranging and reorganizing. Woodworking and screwing my new D.I.Y. wardrobe to optimize space in my decimal place ached my whole body. The wardrobe was done by nightfall but the entire space needed some rearranging. I did some and left the rest undone because I so needed some sleep.

But I couldn't get my eyes shut. I kept tossing and turning. It was half past three and I was still looking at my watch, trying to note the time I dozed off. When I finally fell asleep, the alarm knocked me out of bed. So I obliged and got my butt to my cubicle, punctually at 0900, Monday! Now that's new.

Geez the morning sucked. I've never felt sleepier. Having lunch didn't help either. Since all the blood I needed to stay alive was working in and around my tummy. So, not only did I feel bad, I looked bad. I mean, what was I to say when one of my workmates say I look pale. Swell! Now I'm a zombie. A half life. I struggled through the day nodding off time and again until it was 5 pm. I guess by now you would have guessed that I really had nothing to do at work. And you're right! Gosh I need to get off work early. Half hour early. I waited till the coast is clear and at 5.30pm, I disappeared and hoped I survive the journey home.

When I finally got home, it was 6.30pm. I wasted no time, curled into bed and slept till 11.30pm. It was weird waking up at 11.30 at night. Now there's something I haven't done in a long time. I even got a minor headache. That gradually disappeared though.

I made supper, ate, continued rearranging my room and slept at 2am. This time I really slept.

So now, here I am, feeling like any other day again, at work, and what do I do? I browse and blog. That's why I'm still here. Lovin' it.

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