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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Temptations : Part 1

Going through a diet program is never easy. Hell, it's hard to even start one, let alone maintain. I had no idea how much sacrifice I'd be forced to make before I set on this journey. Think about not being able to indulge in food you enjoy so much before. Think about giving up staple food like rice and bread. Think about times your friends or coleagues eat around you, the great food they partake while yours is reduced to cow chew. Even if you are having the same thing, the guilt and fear of derailing from your goal is enough to make an emotionally tough guy cry.

It gets worse when you are the only one in the household on a diet. I'm lucky since I live pretty much on my own. My two housemates and I, we eat at our own time and place. We get home at different times so eating together is often out of the question. But it's a different story at work. My coleagues eat in the office pantry. They buy takeouts and have lunch together. That was also my lunch routine until recently. The problem is, well, it's not really a problem. I would call it the challenge. The challenge is that the pantry is open and a mere two meters away from my workstation. I feel like the character Jerry in Tom and Jerry every lunch hour. I'd be the mouse floating toward the food, hooked by the smell.

And getting visual stimulation on food doesn't help either. For example the ad for pizza hut, lying seductively on the pantry table. Everytime I walk by it kicks me in the bowels.

Tell me you are not the least tempted. I mean, this is definitely a visual stimulus to every pizza lover. Myself at least. With the three cheese present, and a crust full of holes so the cheese comes out oozing from the juicy core. The image looks so divine, my religious conscience whisper... Holy Trinity!

And let me tell you this image goes by me not once, not twice, but everytime I get myself a glass of water to dilute my gaster juice down, because it is in the pantry. And since the pantry is on the way to the rest room, guess what I see everytime I need to go? And if you count the times I get up to get some fresh air, a different angle or just to get away from my cubicle, this image feed could easily cave in on my determination to lose weight! Oh, the frustration! The anger!

Why the hell do I feel this way today?

Cheeses crust! Get a hold of yourself. Breathe deep...ooozaaaa

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