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Sunday, July 24, 2005

Got life...

It’s 1.45 pm, a lovely Sunday afternoon. Well, not until 1.30 it wasn’t. I was trying to get my satellite TV to work again after several weeks’ downtime. It has been raining everyday this month. So the accumulation of clouds everyday is humongous. This adds insult to injury since my dish is already unreliable and unpredictable even on a clear day. From trials and errors this might be caused by poor dish position or signal reception. Here, have a taste of it.

This problem is normally bearable during weekdays when I only get home by 7 pm. I watch the local news from 8 to 9 pm. When there’s no satellite TV I just retreat to my room and fiddle with my pc. And now I’m on a home improvement project mainly making a cabinet under the sink. Up to now there’s already a sturdy rack under the kitchen sink where I can put saucepans and stir fry pans I recently bought from Ikea. So yesterday, all Saturday afternoon through evening I was busy setting up a frame under the sink where the rack will be. Come night I was off to Ikea and Ikano Power Center to browse for tools and materials for more home improvements. I bought 88 bucks worth of hardware tools and materials to make doors for my kitchen sink cabinet and a few wall cabinets. Wood not included. Yeah, I was pretty occupied all Saturday. No TV at all. Although some music would have been nice.

So today, I woke up at 11 am. The thought of going out somewhere was overpowered by laziness. So I lingered at home. Made myself corn-in-the-cup, well, corn in the bowl’s more like it. Delicious. I hesitated a little while before trying to restore my satellite service. I can’t say it was pleasant. I don’t know how many times I had to plug the signal cable in and out of the unit and hope it would grab an available signal wave at that instant. Nothing came by and it made me really sick! At times I feel like grabbing the unit and throw it out the window. Or better, slam it on the floor, stomp on it violently, take a hammer and smash it to pieces and burn the remains. All this shall be done while my heart is pounding, my face red, my adrenaline oozing from their glands and I’m screaming my lungs out. The more psychotic the better. Boy, that would really be satisfying. But instead I decided to take a deep breath, calm down and try again, and again and again. Besides, as satisfying as it may sound, going psycho on the unit would cost me more, socially, financially and emotionally. Suffice to say that I’m outrageously angry.

I called the people at ASTRO and told them my situation and what did they tell me? Since the warranty period of 1 year has expired, I have to pay 50 bucks for their certified dealers to come fix the problem. Is this 50 bucks like a consultation fee? What if they come, tried to fix the problem but can't and say I need to buy a new dish or a new decoder? Would I still have to pay that 50 bucks? Or what if the solution is just to rotate the dish coz its direction was shifted by strong wind? I could have done that myself! Arghh! What should I do? Duh, go to the roof of the apartment and check it out! OK, in a few days...For now, I'll just do what I've been doing all this while.

Only after hours of trying had I managed to grab a signal. And here I am watching satellite TV again. Just like I normally do during weekends, when no one rings me up to hang out. I just finished watching Desperate housewives. Desperation, tell me about it. Hmm…what’s next? It doesn’t matter what I watch next. As long as I’m on satellite, I’m good. I got life again. I now have my life options back.

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