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Friday, February 17, 2006

No espresso mi amor?

It has been several weeks since I cranked up my espresso machine. And I only went to cafés once or twice a week lately. Maybe it’s the work load, reaching home just in time for dinner and few hours of tv. By the time I needed my espresso desert, it was too near bed time. Having coffee then would reduce my sleeping hours. You see, the boss gave a word or two about punctuality to the staff and I’m in the process of adjusting, with frustrating result. It is so painful to wake up in the cozy morning and walk away from the warm hug of my bed and the silky touch of my blanket. And when I do, there are always incidents on the road which makes the bad traffic worse and I have to consider setting my alarm to beep earlier. I mean, how early do I have to wake up?
I guess I’ll just have to keep on trying until my system gets used to it. Meanwhile, the closest caffeine shot I get is from a pack of Nescafe 3 in 1 in half a cup of hot water, almost every morning at work. And last night, as I was pondering this point, I took out my Coffex Superbar Espresso and did some art. Sniffing doesn’t affect sleep, does it?

~How do you...?~

~Bean Laden~

Joke of the day: “A man went to his psychiatrist and said, "Every time I drink my coffee, I get a stabbing pain in my right eye," the psychiatrist said, "well, have you tried taking the spoon out?"

~Scarry smile~

You can take away the coffee, but you can't get me away from it.

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