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Monday, April 03, 2006

Always the second, never the fool.

That's what happens every April.
I chilled out with some friends yesterday evening. Told them there's a gathering at 1 Utama among old high school friends. Ordered our drinks at starbucks for afternoon tea (no one had tea actually, although one had hot vanilla milk). After that I let slip my birth date.
"But I guess you guys ordered and paid already, aw shucks" I joked.
One friend had to go back early cos her 1 year old had her way while I was out fetching another, who was born exactly the same day and year. We're practically twins, since the seventh grade till the day we left high school. This is our first anniversary together.
We had dinner at 6.30, at Johnny's Steamboat (I regret the absence of pictures here) and roamed the mall.

We met up with a friend who happened to be there for his company's family day. The bowling alley. We didn't bowl but had a few games of pool eventhough I suck at it. I also tried foosball for the first time and loved it! Man that game is exhilirating!

As promised, we had cakes at Secret Recipe (this outlet serves great cheese cakes), a total of nine varieties. A slice for almost every type available but it was too much for six. Armed with our own forks we butchered every slice at random for what they're worth. Like a pack of coyotes we sampled every slice - like speed tasting. We left crumbs that could make another slice.

The birthday couple. Contessa and Agustus.

It's been a long while since I celebrated my birthday. Most of the time I forget the date and end up wishing myself a belated birthday.

Once during highschool, a friend shouted 'Oy Agus! Happy birthday' across another dorm block and I said 'Oh yeah...It's my birthday. Huh, what do you know' and continued what I was doing earlier, with a lingering smile.

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