I had lunch with two high school mates last Saturday at Nando’s Bangsar. As usual, the food was good there. Cynthia didn’t have much. She probably wasn’t as hungry as the other two guys at the table (that’ll be me and my friend). She only took half the time we did to be satisfied, leaving a lot more for my friend and I to clear up; like the municipal councils we were, or maybe it’s the guy thing…
While eating, I noticed at the corner of my eye, that she was watching me. I also sensed a light smile shining through. As self conscious as that made me feel, I kept my cool and continued eating, like I hadn’t notice.
A good moment later, I put down my fork and knife and said, “Ok, I’m done”
“Oh, do carry on, eat some more…” Cynthia requested.
“No, I can’t. I’m really full. That was a lot of food” I told her. And it really was. We ordered a meal deal for four persons. There were three of us and one of us just had half of her portion. My friend and I even had to agree to split the rest of the chicken so we wouldn’t have to waste on food. Even then there were still rice, potato salad, vegetable salad and a corn on the cob left.
“Oh, you should continue eating. I enjoy watching you eat” she explained.
“Huh! What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked her.
“Hehe… you should see him a few years back. He was really big! He loved to eat then, he still does now.” My friend added some spice to the scene. He was referring to my huge size three years ago. And he was right. I loved eating then and I still do now, only smarter.
All that made me think. It was about time I got to the bottom of this. I must know once and for all the reason people make that comment. True, I don’t get it every day but every time I do, it makes me wonder, and yeah, blush. As far as I’m concerned, I have never found it amusing to watch people eat. And don’t even get me started about people who eat with highly audible ‘munch’ sounds. ‘Chomp chomp, gulp gulp, aahhhhhh!’
I mean, I would understand the reaction if I was having dinner prepared by someone (in this case, they’re usually my aunts) and my ‘eating routine’ somehow translates to my deep appreciation toward the cook’s creative labor, age old tradition and undying passion. And trust me, the appreciation really goes deep; down my esophagus, into my stomach, through my rectum and all the way down the sewer. Sorry, too deep.
However, what we had was just fast food, good food nonetheless. And speaking of fast food, friends have told me they like the way I munch my McDonald’s burger, my KFC chicken and my oil laden fries!
Does it mean that they are impressed with someone who eats a great deal but still maintains a certain degree of composure, i.e. the ability to not look like a pig even if they are actually eating a pig’s worth?
Nah, too crude for me. I’m not that. Nevertheless, I've got "Wow! You can really eat" from a female stranger during wedding receptions, to which I only have "Oh yes, these are lovely." Quite embarrasing I must say too, trying not to look awkward and resemble the glowing-red butter prawns on my plate.
Or could it be that they genuinely admire the grace and poise that some carry over the table; something which does not necessarily result from an extensive knowledge on table manners and etiquettes. It is rather a natural act of eating with care and attention, triggered by self consciousness and the same decent behavior one expects from one’s table companions.
Hehe, sounds good to me!
But obviously there are many different reasons why some of us enjoy watching others eat. It all depends on the situation and the very person watching.
I was determined to interview her during the following hours of killing time at the mall before she flies back to Kuching. I sent the other friend home after lunch because he had important errands to run.
Unfortunately, I had such a good time killing time with her that I forgot about the whole eating thing. We went browsing at Ikea before she prematurely asked me to take her for shoes and bags shopping (Ladies, sound familiar?) As a good chauffeur, and butler, I obliged. Besides, time wasn’t on our side either. Delightfully, I was rewarded with a nice t-shirt in the end. Thanks so much Cyn!
So now I’m left with the question (and a nice T shirt) that has variable answers. Gosh, I’ll have to wait for another comment to come by. That means many eat out sessions and cash spent before one is dropped on the table, which by the way, has only been conveyed by the ladies thus far.
So, do you like watching people eat? Buy me dinner?