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Tuesday, May 23, 2006


What do you do when there’s suspiciously limited time given to prepare a tender proposal for a major job for a major player, assuming you know how they became and stay major. They normally give about two months for the preparation but this time, they decided to give less than three weeks.

Several other bidders have requested deadline extension which were not even considered. Some specification seem to point to one bidder when there are 23 bidding for the job. Fishy, i know.

You do your best to work closely with your principal with the little time you have only to find out that more time is needed for submission. You desperately request for extension even though you know it is impossible.

Just to make matters worse, you've found out that another prospect job proposed earlier was disrupted by the reintroduction of a disqualified bidder when it was down to the final two. Just when you think you're safe, there were three...again.

This was made possible with just a phone call from 'above'. Smells like 'world' you say? I know...

So finally, you do the smart thing, the only practical thing; back off. It’s a puppet show ladies and gentlemen. Unless you’re good friends with the puppet master and get to yank some of the strings.

And so it is, I can now look forward to a peaceful holiday, after the much expected abortion. Stress kills.

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