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Saturday, December 31, 2011

We Just Go

A friend passed away yesterday evening, 30th December 2011, 5.30pm.  She died in a tragic car accident while travelling with six others to attend an engagement ceremony.  With her perished her father, brother in law and a neighbor. 

The news came as a shock to the church community where she served, St. Francis of Assisi Cheras.  She is known as a very good person; honest, humble, friendly, faithful and hardworking. 

She tied the knot on 29th December 2010, lead a happy family life for merely a year.  This is such a tragedy and the closer we are attached to the person, the harder it is to accept.  I have had the privilege to be acquainted with her and her husband. Attended her birthday party at their home and served together in church.  I’m not that close to her but I do feel very sad to hear the news.  I pray for her loved ones that God guides them through this very difficult time. 

It is at this very moment that I feel life is so short and unpredictable.  Happiness lasts only as long as we make it.  The meaning of our lives rests on how others have been touched because of our actions and how things have changed because of our participation.  All this brings us joy and personal satisfaction.

Often I wished I had more; more time, more money and more friends, so that I can do more and be better, for myself and for my loved ones.  But life does not work that way.  Nothing is ever enough.  We are forever in the state of deficiency.  We just have to make the best of what life throws at us. 

Yes there are times when we seemed to be blessed with abundance.  When time is always on our side, money is no longer a problem and we are free from worries and burdens.  I have not encountered such a perfection but I hope when the time comes for me to be on top of the world, I may be reminded to take a moment to look down, and reach those who need help and those hanging around my pillar of success.   Chances are, some of them are still holding my pillar after all these years, supporting me and helping me make it through.

Be kind and compassionate.

Because where ever we are, how much we have and whatever we do, when the Lord calls, none of that matters anymore.   We just go.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sneaky & Slithery

Thought I look into my sign, found this to be quite... me! 

I'm a fire snake!

Occupying the 6th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Snake symbolizes such character traits as intelligence, gracefulness and materialism. When it comes to decision-making, Snakes are extremely analytical and as a result, they don’t jump into situations. They are effective at getting the things they want, even if it means they have to scheme and plot along the way.
Snakes are very materialistic creatures, preferring to surround themselves with the finest that life has to offer. This is especially evident in the home, where luxurious furnishings and surroundings help Snakes seek the peace they need in order to thrive.


Snakes prefer living a life of calmness, preferring quietness over noise and a manageable workload rather than a schedule that’s overly-booked. Snakes become easily stressed when their lives aren’t peaceful or in order. Too much of this way of life can shorten a snake’s life!


Snakes do work very hard, but they have a tendency to be job-hoppers as they become easily bored. Their somewhat laid-back attitude causes them to be mistakenly categorized as slackers, but nothing could be further from the truth! Snakes are very creative and extremely diligent. They’re excellent problem-solvers and thrive under tight deadlines. Good career choices for Snakes include: scientist, analyst, investigator, painter, potter, jeweler, astrologer, magician, dietician, and sociologist.


Snakes are excellent seducers so they never have trouble attracting others. However, they’ll be the ones to decide when a relationship has potential and when it does not. Once they’ve chosen a partner, a Snake’s insecure side will begin to show through. Snakes guards their chosen partners much like a prized possessions, becoming jealous and even obsessive. Snakes prefer to keep their feelings to themselves. It’s important to never betray a Snake’s trust as a betrayed snake will make it a goal to get even some day!

Snakes and the 5 elements

Metal Snake – Years 1941 and 2001

Incredibly goal-oriented, Metal Snakes will stop at nothing to get that which they believe they deserve. Failure is not in their vocabularies. With their money, they’re continually acquiring more and more possessions – for themselves.

Water Snake – Years 1953 and 2013

Influential, motivated, insightful, and highly intellectual are words that best characterize Water Snakes. These Snakes work well with others and enjoy being recognized and rewarded. They’ll reveal feelings to those closest to them, but no one else.

Wood Snake – Years 1905 and 1965

Kind and genuine, these Snakes enjoy building a solid foundation of friends and family whom they love deeply and whose company they enjoy immensely. But even with all this support, Wood Snakes rarely seek the advice of others.

Fire Snake – Years 1917 and 1977

Fire Snakes are more extroverted, forever offering opinions and telling others what’s on their minds. Even so, others enjoy listening to Fire Snakes. They’re very persuasive and are especially good at convincing others that their ways are best.

Earth Snakes – Years 1929 and 1989

Earth Snakes always seem to be calm and content. They’re friendly and approachable and believe that they’ll reap great rewards by working hard and relying on common sense.


The Snake is compatible with a Rooster and an Ox and incompatible with a Pig and a Monkey.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Learn to fly again

I had dream about flying this morning.  It started weird but ended quite sweet.  It began with the urge to fly and the only device I had was something which looked like a stapler. I was supposed to put the two pieces together and then work it like a syringe, somewhere against my thigh (not into my thigh).  The idea was to push the syringe and I would begin to fly, somewhat like a broom stick or a magic carpet.  But nothing happened after pushing the syringe several times so I gave up.

I stood up and began running as fast as I could instead.  I picked up speed on the football field, running barefoot with the soft and comfortable grass underneath.  As I increased my speed, I flapped my arms and found that I could levitate a little; so I flapped some more.  Before I knew it I was in the air, cruising almost effortlessly above the fields, approaching the mountains with a faint view of the ocean.  It was such a beautiful sight.  I suddenly realized it was the same scene I played long time ago in 'Perfect World', one of the online role playing game.  Only difference is I had to run really fast to gain flight.

I had slight difficulty maneuvering between the ancient walls and buildings though.  At one point I almost crashed into the walls but lucky for me the draft saved the day. It was just a few minutes of flight because in an instant I was back on the ground. Although it didn't last long, I had the best time as I learned to fly again.

And then I woke up... late for work.  The alarm rang a few times and I snoozed a few times as well.  I guess it takes a flight dream to get me out of bed and fly to work.  The strong morning wind draft through my window made the dream all too realistic. Like.

Friday, December 09, 2011

Death comes like a thief, we do what we can

Are you ready to talk about death?

Chances are, you’re not. 

Heck, no one likes to think about death, let alone discuss it.  It’s a taboo subject in most societies. No one looks forward to death because of the emotional pain, psychological suffering and a host of inconveniences that comes thereafter.  It’s the same problem, looking at the death bed, or from it.

However, there are some cases when death comes bringing emotional relief, psychological remedy and a host of conveniences.  It could also be the same solution, looking at the death bed, or from it.

I’m sure some of us may have come across these thoughts, “He’s suffered enough,  please death, come swift and ease the pain” or “Please God, take me away, I’ve had enough” or “When is this tyrant going to die and rid us all of this misery”.

In Malaysia, we’ve seen facilities upgraded and roads resurfaced during campaigns for by elections triggered by the demise of MPs.  And let’s not forget the nagging urge to elect a better leader of the state because some people just won’t step down.  They take the vow “Till death do us part” literaly for everything they own.

So tell me, is death such a taboo subject after all?

Apparently many still think it is.  I’ve had two friends asking for help to complete a survey relating to death.  One is a catholic priest furthering his studies for a Masters Degree in Counseling with a project on ‘Getting to terms with death in the family’ and the other is a Buddhist activist with a PhD project titled ‘End of Life and a Good Death’.

Both of them are facing difficulty in getting the required number of participants in their survey.  Race and religion are some of the factors causing us to shy away from the discussion of death.  Some may be facing death and some may still be traumatized by deaths of their loved ones.  Still, some just don’t really think about it and therefore never gave it much thought. 

Perhaps if you’ve read this far, I could reach out and request for your assistance to give my friend just 5 minutes of your time to briefly answer a few questions.  If you are reluctant to click on any link, here are the questions you will face in the survey, following a brief introduction to the survey.  I’ve included some of my short answers, just for sharing.  Of course you may be elaborate and lengthy, it’s all up to you.

Begin Quote…

I am conducting a research survey on End of Life and a Good Death for my PhD project.
It's my PhD project which I have completed the pilot study and now going into full research.
The idea started as a feedback of my previous public lectures and the intention is to create awareness of this important topic since it's a taboo in so many societies. Understanding the meaning of death alone can plant the seed for accepting and thus preparing death.
The results of the research will provide generalizable knowledge of the attitudes and experiences of our community on a good death and we could fill the gaps of the knowledge through public education, talks and other supports.
We would be grateful if you took a few minutes to fill in this anonymous research on End of Life Care and a Good Death. With your voluntary participation to provide honest feedback to us, the research content can only get better and benefit more people in the future. Please feel free to ignore survey questions that you are not comfortable answering.
Thank You.

1. Gender
2. May I know your Age, Race, Religion, Nationality and Profession?
3. Have you thought of the death of your loved ones?
4. If yes, who have you thought about and what have you thought about?
My answer: Parents suffering illness and watching them slowly dying.

5. Have you thought of your own death?
My answer : Yes.

6. If yes, what have you thought about?
My answer : Sudden death, leaving loved ones in pain, unfinished business.

7. What is a good death to you?
My Answer: Knowing my time, having enough time to settle things well and say goodbye to my loved ones.

8. How can you achieve this good death?
My answer: Impossible to be certain, but plan to live a fulfilling life, take care of my health, mental and physical, be honest and sincere (even if it hurts), love and be loved. Above all of that, have faith in God and keep it.

Thank you for coming and completing this survey. Please email me if you have further queries at everygooddeath@gmail.com For an independent opinion regarding the research and the rights of research participants, you may contact a staff member of the National University of Singapore Institutional Review Board (Attn: Ms Tan Hui Cheng, at telephone 65- 6516 7359 or email at irb@nus.edu.sg)
With Gratitude,
Robin Chan Tuck Wai

Powered by SurveyMonkey
Create your own free online survey now!
End Quote.

Here’s the facebook invitation
We are conducting an online research survey on End of Life and a Good Death and need your help. It was my PhD project which I have completed the pilot study and now going into full research. 
Pls Click here to take 5 mins survey:

The FB event link is here.
Thank you for your help and pls invite your friends by sharing this msg.

You may notice the online survey is powered by SurveyMonkey.  I just had to put a lighter note to this serious matter by telling my friend “Haha, it’s powered by surveymonkey. As if the survey is conducted by a monkey. No offense”

Good thing he wasn’t offended.

Such a good spirit.  Do lend him a hand ya. It is a very brief survey after all.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How to get pregnant fast

Seriously? !!!

People advertise that?  Apparently they do.  I was browsing old entries on my blog when out comes this advertisement from Google adsense.

Okay... well, I must admit, I've known many couples who have difficulties in having a child.  My aunt had to adopt one of my sisters after a long unfruitful marriage.  A few years after that, they got another child, a boy.  

Let's face it, some people tend to get pregnant easier than others. Some don't at all. And then there are some who seem to be pregnant all the time. I used to have a teacher in high school like that.  So does many men these days as well.

There are many fertility clinics addressing this impregnating issue and it can be a big business, considering the reason half of the world's population tie the knot is to raise a happy family.  But the way people promote their business can be hilarious sometimes.  I've seen one fertility clinic with a big ass banner screaming "Get Pregnant Here, Guaranteed!"

Direct selling and insurance

A friend complained about his superior to me the other day.  He said the superior is a racist and he always get disadvantages compared to the other staffs.  They both belong to the same ethnic background but differentiated by the South China Sea.  His peninsular workmates don't seem to face the problems he's slapped with on a daily basis.

"Maybe he just dislikes people from Sarawak" I told him.
"Yeah, bloody racist alright" I added.

"That's why I've decided not to work my ass off anymore.  Even my overtime is no longer paid after I was comfirmed. The worst part is I'm bonded for two years" He explained.

"Two years? Hey, they didn't even pay you anything to employ you in the first place.  And it's not like you were under their scholarship or anything..." I expressed my disbelief.

He then told me he's looking for other source of income. Maybe sell Amway or Insurance.

I told him he could try.

"I'm not made for direct selling or insurance" I said.

I just don't know how to push a product.  It's very difficult to persuade people to switch brands because loyalty runs deep.  Skepticism runs deeper.  And with direct selling, it's not just about the product.  Hell, membership and downline is where the money lies.

I won't even start about insurance. I've got several friends who keep pestering me to buy their plans. I could barely stick to a plan I've subscribed long ago. How much more could I say no to a reject?

"Hehe... that's probably the fun part about it all.." he said.

Okay, give it a go then.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Single dad interested to know me, heart and soul

Begin quote...

How are you today?,I hope you are having a nice time, i am single in other word a single physically i lost my wife on an accident, and i am left now with my only son who is 14 of age but on a schoolarship study in canada, and my old grandma. my parents passed away when i was completing my phd study on engineering. its quite complicated

Am originally born in Australia,( Sidney) ,obtained my degree in the University of South Carolina ,and recently live in UK as a citizen .I am an marine engineer by profession i work as a chief marine engineer in an offshore working under Peninsular and Oriental Steam, am also a manager in shell company bristol and Navigation Shipping Company, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY etc...I`m 5`11" 120 with a athletic build , mentally stable, physically fit, a bunch of laughs, warm, caring, honest, , God Fearing, and a positive person. I am real easy person to talk to and a good listener.

i love walking, jogging playing golf and making researches about events. i love cat and dog as pet

I want to learn about you and what makes up your heart and soul, as the friendship I want to build with you I want it to be like no other you have ever shared in or experienced. This relationship I want to build with you will be filled with substance, quality, spirituality and potential.

i hope to read from you sonnest



End Quote

I'm good Roland.

You seem like a nice guy. I do try to have a nice time, all the time. Although there are several things and persons who seem to get in the way of that. I'm sorry to hear that you are single, even sorry to hear that you lost your wife 'on' an accident. I almost thought I read that you lost your wife 'on' purpose there.

It's good to know that your son is stuying in Canada on a scholarship.  I almost went to Iowa State University on government loan.  Imagine having to pay that much money, owed during the economic downturn of 2007.  Instead, I got my Engineering degree from a local university here in Malaysia.  Same difference.  I hope your old grandma does not give you much trouble.  If it's any consolation, my grandma is old too. But we're good. I'm so thankful I still have my parents as well.

I was born in Kuching, Sarawak, originally, seriously. Obtained my degree in Penang and now work in Kuala Lumpur.  Like you, I too have traveled to three places.  But unlike you, I can only manage to work under one employer, here in Peninsular Malaysia.

I'm Asian built, not really athletic and on the chubby side.  I'm also a bunch of laughs, warm, caring, honest, God fearing and all of the positive characters people usually mention to lift their reputation and credibility.  But we both know they mean jack unless we've lived together, which is never.

I'm sure you're a good listener but I doubt you're observant enough.  If you know me from facebook, you might have known that I am a guy.  Dude, your son needs a mother, not another dad.

I am okay with walking.  In fact, it's a rather long daily walk from the multi-level car park to my office. It's been a while since I jogged and I don't do golf. I manage events sometimes too. Maybe you can do researches on my events. Not sure how much that's worth though.  I love cats and dogs but not as pets.  They're adorable and all but I can hardly pick up after myself.

If you are interested to learn about me, do continue to check me out on facebook.  I'm sure that's much easier  since it's where you started. Indeed this relationship is already looking like no other; it's weird dude...!

You tell me you want to build a relationship with substance; well it seems like you're on a lot of substance right now. And about potential, yeah, I'm potent alright.

I hope I don't read anymore from you because you sound mentally unstable and full of shit.


Thursday, October 06, 2011

Car Loan Calculator

A friend asked me to help check out current car prices and loan terms. Most car official websites offer price specifications without financing details.  Thankfully, there are many sites offering free car loan calculator.  There are also widgets to be installed to blogs and personal web sites.  I manage to grab this one.

There are some minor glitches though. The calculated result doesn't immediately show. You'd have to click in one of the text box and press 'tab' to scroll down the boxes till you see the calculated result box. Also, the default interest rate is 7.7 while the best rate in Malaysia is around 2.65%. The maximum loan duration is only up to 6 years (72 months).

For more accurate calculators, use autoworld or mybestcardealer calculators.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Jalan Lazat, Lorong Nikmat, Taman Gembira

Jalan lazat, lorong nikmat di taman gembira.  Sounds like a chapter in kamasutra.  The road to pleasure and ecstasy, in the garden of happiness.

Actually, there are several good restaurants located at Jalan Lazat.  I've been to a very nice seafood restaurant there last year.  Perhaps it's time I make my way to Lorong Nikmat and see what pleasure awaits me.  

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Did you wash your eggs today?

Did you know that chickens lay eggs through the same shit hole?  I've always wondered why some eggs look dirty.  Yesterday I posted the question and had fun with the answer.  While google is the fastest way to learn, facebook adds to that personal community touch.

Here's my curious question on facebook.

Dari manakah keluarnya telur ayam? Dari lubang dubur atau ada lubang lain? Just curious.
(Where do chicken eggs exit? From the anus or there are other holes?)

Good thing there's a chicken expert happy to lend a hand.  No, I'm not talking about Colonel Sanders.

    • Rudy Ouh Rudy keluar dari jabak! haha
      11 hours ago · 

    • Lewis Lim Are u serious? The vagina of course.. They have asshole and vagina too... The egg is rather soft when come out. But immediately harder when left the body...
      10 hours ago · 

    • Agustus Sapen lewis... yeah, i'm serious. I'm not sure about vagina but chickens only have one exit. eggs come out the same way as shit. oh ya, they receive sperm via the same passage. sounds like sodomy if u ask me. Why did the chicken cross the road? Because it needs to attend it's sodomy case.
      10 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Dency Flenny Gawin 
      Hahahahaha....Agustus Sapen....only one hole...a cloaca...u r rite...the same hole for shit, sperms and eggs... it's not sodomy but refers as "cloaca kiss". Many male birds dont have penis but waterfowls they do have this phallus (almost like penis)....talking aboy "cloaca kiss", just think a male vagina presses a female vagina... u might laugh but it's true...don't u assume the male birds are "the half male-female"....LOL
      8 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Agustus Sapen Now there's a chick on her way to a well deserved PhD. This one doesn't lay eggs... muahaha...
      about an hour ago · 

    • Dency Flenny Gawin Yeah an expensive CHICK ah....
      about an hour ago · 

    • Agustus Sapen We eat the eggs coming out from a hen's anus. That doesn't mean we eat shit.
      about an hour ago · 

    • Dency Flenny Gawin not hen's anus....cloaca (anus + vagina + undeveloped penis =cloaca)
      about an hour ago · 

    • Agustus Sapen whoa... slow down doc. I'm a slow learner.. i'm picking up one body part at a time. Anus first. Rhymes with Agus doesn't it.
      about an hour ago · 

    • Dency Flenny Gawin Hahaha...aiyah!!
      about an hour ago · 

    • Agustus Sapen gosh, avian class must be fun and crazy at the same time. so how do you pronounce 'cloaca'?
      about an hour ago · 

    • Dency Flenny Gawin klo a ka..... it's in LATIN...
      about an hour ago · 

    • Agustus Sapen ok. i bet it must be frustrating for male birds to have no penis. that's like the mother of all irony. you know, being a bird and all. but then again, they are in fact naturally male birds, they don't need an extension like male humans do. hmmm... how bizarre.
      about an hour ago · 

    • Dency Flenny Gawin Male human...need to caress first then it can work well...hahaha
      about an hour ago · 

    • Agustus Sapen ever caressed a male bird doc? i bet it'd fly off before you can even come close. i guess it's hard, i.e. difficult.
      about an hour ago · 

    • Dency Flenny Gawin Female bird just stand watching...it's the male who has to work hard to impress the female bird. Then if she says YES Let's make it...then she will let the "cloaca kiss" to happen... : )...no need to caress, just shoot the liquidized sperms into the female vagina....
      about an hour ago · 

    • Agustus Sapen nice. sex education avian style. thanks!
      59 minutes ago · 

    • Dency Flenny Gawin Hahahahaha....wish I'm a female bird just wait for the guys to come & dance in front of me....
      58 minutes ago · 

    • Agustus Sapen It's okay for ladies to wish being female birds. Everything is pretty much still intact. For guys, they'd have to lose their penis. Ouch!
      55 minutes ago · 

    • Dency Flenny Gawin Hahahaha...hei u!!! When guys ask me, whether I'm watching birds or not...I said yes and add I watch birds above & down...with smile & a naughty look, direct my eyes to them...they just laugh!
      52 minutes ago · 

    • Agustus Sapen Now I know ladies enjoy bird watching as much as guys. And for you, it's a double pleasure. Some people are that lucky huh.
      50 minutes ago · 

    • Dency Flenny Gawin I said that joke to a guy & he smiled all the timeeeeeeee....we are friend now!!! What a good trick from a Lady Bird
      48 minutes ago · 

    • Agustus Sapen Haha... you sure made him happy. Lady Bird or Lady Gaga, guys get amused all the same.
      45 minutes ago · 

    • Dency Flenny Gawin Hahaha...Lady Gaga pretends to be a man! She wore the fake penis during her show...
      41 minutes ago · 

    • Agustus Sapen did she now... gotta google that one right now!
      41 minutes ago · 

    • Dency Flenny Gawin Last show...cant remember where & when
      40 minutes ago ·