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Thursday, September 08, 2005

To the shore we go...!

It’s 1.56 noon and I’m still at sea. Due to platform shutdown, the number of personnel onboard has doubled the max and my team needed to leave the platform uhh, yesterday. But our remaining work made the management allow one more day to slip.

There is hardly enough place to sleep though. The situation now is to spread mattress side by side and let sleepy men lay themselves carefully close to each other. Much too personal and offensive if you ask me. But we can only complain. So, apart from having unfinished business, I am delighted to leave. However the chopper doesn’t land till after 3 pm. So here I am typing the time away.

Oh I can’t wait to get to shore. Life at sea sucks! We share the sea till we hit the shore. Oh what a bore!

Only work and meals can get our mind off the shore.

And I am constantly reminded of the unpublished post I wrote several days ago. I thought I could quickly upload it once I typed it in my laptop but here in my laptop it remained. Since there is only one internet post for public use and the public really use it, I was left to yo-yo the idea. I figured the only good time to log on is after midnight but because I am either in bed or working, I never did log on.

Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to publish it as a delayed issue today.

I promised the team we’d hit a good seafood joint to adjourn the rendezvous this time around. They have worked hard and that should have them look forward to completing the job on our next visit. Maybe I’ll throw in some entertainment as well.

All my bags are packed and I’m ready to go.

Petronas Carigali's Dulang B Platform, offshore Terengganu.

All at sea.
The post I wrote several days ago.

It is now 5 days after Malaysia’s 48 independence celebration. The dust have well settled and every citizen is up with everyday chores as usual. I am now out at sea myself, on Dulang Oil Production Platform, offshore Terengganu to be exact. Having been here since Friday the 2nd, my mind wonders to the shore once in a while. I can’t say I am enjoying it but I make do with what I have. And what I have now is the ocean, the sea. As far as the eyes can see. As wide as my head can turn. And the longing to be home miserably burns. But when I think of how much I’ll earn, it makes much sense to hang on.

Work does take the mind away from missing home. Especially when it treats me fairly. No stress, no depression.

And the fact that I left my blog void for so long makes me wonder; was my last entry the end? Have I lost interest in this seemingly intriguing quest to fill the webspace with trivial issues, sometimes mindless pouring? How will my readers, if I have any, ever go back to check out new entries when all they saw upon visiting was the same post they read weeks ago?

I will never know. I’ll just have to keep on going, like I did when I first started. I will have to trust that someone out there will come across this blog while leisurely browsing other pages that somehow links to this page. And so I write on, with whatever i have.

Are you with me?

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