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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Happy hours

Exactly last week, I was at a bar with some friends. Nearby was this middle aged man drinking with his friend. Our friends talked and it was only a matter of time that we did. We introduced ourselves and got the small talk going on. I asked him what he does and he told me he was in the insurance business. He didn’t reciprocate immediately. But when he did, he added one startling question, right after asking ‘where do you work and what do you do?’ Guess what the question was…

‘Are you happy?’

What the …..am I happy?! What’s that suppose to mean?

“I’ve been there four years. I’m happy with the environment. I like how things are done. No permanent stress. Heavy work load is seasonal. It suits me just fine.” I explained.

“It’s all about excelling in life. Where do you see yourself five years from now? You must have a plan. Even the government has a five year plan” he said.

“First you set what you want to achieve in five years and the steps to get there. After that five years you evaluate where you stand and trace your steps, improvise and customize your strategies. Set your plan for the next five years” he added.

I just smiled and listened, that’s as polite as I get.

“You see, there's not as much time as you think. When people graduate, they’re in their twenties. As soon as they finish their studies, they look for a job. After a while, you know what they do? They look for another job, a better one. And it goes on like that until they're satisfied with their positions. When people reach my age, there's not much time left. People my age can’t afford to change jobs anymore. Options are limited. So it's very critical to step on it while you’re still young and full of energy” he passionately elaborated.

All that left me thinking ‘when did I seek career consultation? Who does he think he is?’

“I train people to earn half a million each year. On average. Even those not doing so well earn two hundred thousand a year! I’ve been in this business for quite a while. Let me give you my card. Give me a call if you’re interested.” He concluded.

I took his card, gave it a quick look under the dim lighting and put it in my pocket. He was quiet for a while. A glance to the TV made him change the subject. “Hey, how about Schumacher in Japan eh?” he said to another regular. They talked long and hard about the race in Japan. I added the little that I know.

“Eh, switch to 8TV. I think they’re replaying the A1 race. I want to see how Malaysia won the race.” He requested to one of the bartenders.

I waited for him to turn to me and close his recruitment deal but I was spared. I was ready with the backhand smash should he decide to press on. I guess the lack of interest to earn half a million gave it away. Not everyone has the same priority and purpose in life. Sure we all want to earn a fortune, but the end never justifies the means, and neither is it fixed.

I too learned my lesson. If someone asks ‘are you happy?’ after asking about my job, I’d say I most definitely am. I come to drink and have a good time damn’it! Not to be told that my job is less rewarding and I could do better. Much better. I’ll change when I want to. When I see fit. I don’t mean to be rude but it’s my life. Have a nice day *Insert Bon Jovi songs here*

And the nerve. It’s almost like asking ‘how’s your marriage? Are you happy? Can I butt in?’

Oh, and it’s a good thing that he only goes there on Monday nights. There rest of the nights he’s at home. Including weekends! How’s that for a life.

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