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Tuesday, September 06, 2011

144 cat lives lost at Pets Hell Hotel

According to a report by Malaysian Insider, 16 cats were found dead at Petknode in Damansara Damai yesterday, and the number may increase due to the grave condition most of the cats rescued on the same day.

That's exactly 144 cat lives, considering the nine lives each cat had.  That's a bloody massacre!

I can't imagine the owners thoughts when they realized they actually paid RM3.95 each night for their cats to starve and soil in their feces while they enjoy their Raya holidays. Shit and piss instead of rendang and Mirinda Oren.

Some found the pets hotel service from a facebook page named Petknode Cat Boarding.  Click the link and you'll see angry people doing what they can to either help the poor little creatures survive or bash Petknode owners, virtually, verbally or physically.

A simple 'Petknode' search on youtube would bring you video clips of the rescue operation and some horrific pictures of the suffering the cats went through before they died.  Some are hanging by their ninth lives. Here's a search result on youtube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEse4UyvsyY&feature=related

Click this link to see a search result page for 'Petknode' images. A group called Kucing Terbiar dan Anjing Jalanan has initiated a drive to save the cats by calling for the owners of photographed cats on their facebook page.
One of the albums published to help owners identify their cats at Kucing Terbiar Anjing Jalanan facebook page.  Good Job Guys!

Something definitely went wrong after a good long run at Petknode and we may hear about it from the police report. Whatever the reason, leaving animals without food, drink and care, paid or otherwise,  is cruel.  If it were up to the pet owners and angry Malaysians, Petknode operators would be beaten up to pulp by now.  But I dare say they'll be let off with barely a scratch, physically and financially.

They should rename Petknode to "Hell 'O Kitty Hotel".

Update: Petknode Published an Apology on their facebook profile

1 comment:

  1. sad to see those kittys.....hu hu hu......
